02 July 2021

The Despondency of Decline

Despair can be contagious, being in a community of people who care about the environment, biodiversity and the general direction of human society is not for the faint of heart. What may be strange to some is where the feelings of melancholy come from. 

14 May 2021

How Our Economic Social Contract is Destroying Everything

and what we desperately need to start doing about it

We need to have a conversation about economics. Not the prototypical economic conversation; there’s no need to discuss regulation, interest, inflation, derivatives, or even the type of money we use. Our conversation should instead address the foundation of our modern economic system. Examine our economy from a broad perspective, without getting bogged down in the mire of levers and mechanisms which mask the fundamental simplicity of the system. It’s time we looked at the impacts of earning a living.

The Despondency of Decline Despair can be contagious, being in a community of people who care about the environment, biodiversity and the ge...